Refurbished ultrasound equipment

Refurbished ultrasound equipment is becoming a more viable option for many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices. Since the 1970's,when ultrasound became a normal part of obstetric and prenatal procedures, many of the units became old and were replaced. This created a new industry of rebuilding and repairing machines to be resold. Some models are being replaced with 4D Doppler, so this also opens up the possibility of selling them used. See used ultrasound

Since computers have become a lot more compact and more powerful, smaller units have become common. A laptop can do a lot more than the older units could. Please check Portable ultrasound.

The rebuilt ultrasound devices offer the same quality images as the new models at about half the price. That is why more clinics and doctors are going to the refurbished ultrasound equipment. Back to Genesis ultrasound machine Home page.

Also, in a new development, a new hand held unit working with mobile phone technology combined with ultrasound imaging.

The ultrasound smartphone